Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprises

November 5, 2003

Hearing entitled "Reforming Insurance Regulation--Making the Marketplace More Competitive for Consumers"

Opening Statement of Representative Paul E. Gillmor
Opening Statement of Representative Paul E. Kanjorski
Prepared Testimony: The Honorable Mike Pickens, Commissioner of Insurance, Arkansas; President, National Association of Insurance Commissioners accompanied by The Honorable Gregory Serio, Superintendent of Insurance, New York
  The Honorable Neil Breslin, Senator, New York State, on behalf of the National Conference of Insurance Legislators
  The Honorable Kemp Hannon, Senator, New York State, on behalf of the National Conference of State Legislatures
  Mr. John T. Fitts, Deputy General Counsel, Progressive Insurance Company
  Mr. Jaxon A. White, Chairman & CEO, Medmarc Insurance Group
  Mr. William B. Fisher, Vice President and Associate General Counsel, Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company
  Mr. Ronnie Tubertini, President, Southgroup Insurance and Financial Services
  Dr. Neal S. Wolin, Executive Vice President & General Counsel, The Hartford
  Mr. Markham McKnight, President, Wright and Percy Insurance
  American Land Title Association (statement for the record)

Source: House Committee on Financial Services

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