1031 Real Estate Like-kind Exchanges

Title agents see firsthand the importance of 1031 exchanges for building and sustaining local communities. Like-kind exchanges provide an important incentive for investing in affordable housing and commercial real estate.

Anti-Money Laundering/FinCEN

ALTA works closely with the U.S. Department of the Treasury to keep members informed of Geographical Targeting Orders (GTOs). GTOs apply to all title insurers, their subsidiaries and agents of (“Covered Business”).

Data Privacy

With states passing inconsistent laws and no uniform federal law addressing data privacy, there’s a patchwork of rules for companies to comply with. ALTA is dedicated to helping its members understand what they need to do to comply, if required, with data privacy laws.

Digital Closings/Remote Online Notarization

ALTA strives to help members identify the benefits and risks associated with digital closings in order to put the industry in the best position to solve problems and inspire innovative ideas. ALTA is your source for tools and education about digital closings.

Discriminatory Covenants

ALTA is strongly opposed to any form of housing discrimination and is committed to proactively working toward solutions that protect the property rights of all homeowners.

Elder Real Estate Fraud

Criminals targeting older adults for these crimes can include family members, trusted friends or advisors, unscrupulous professionals, or complete strangers.

Flood Insurance

The National Flood Insurance Program is critical to provide certainty to the housing market. Property owners need to have access to affordable flood insurance. Without flood insurance protection, homeowners will not be able to buy, sell or refinance real estate.

Foreign Ownership of Land

Given the importance of real estate to the U.S. economy, any law regarding foreign ownership should establish specific processes and procedures to protect valid property interests and avoid penalizing legitimate sellers, creditors, and future owners of property.

Heirs' Property

ALTA has brought together industry and outside experts to discuss the various ways industry and government can address the issue of heirs’ property, including how to quantify heirs’ property, how to better leverage estate planning resources, and how to expand access to programs and services for those with heirs’ property.

Native American Lands

ALTA monitors Native American Lands legislation, regulation, case law, and ongoing litigation to determine its impact on title insurance and conveyancing and develop official positions regarding Native American Lands

Non-Title Recorded Agreements for Personal Service

ALTA supports efforts to protect consumers by prohibiting the filing of unfair real estate fee agreements in property records, a practice that creates impediments and increases the cost and complexity of selling, refinancing or transferring real estate.

Predictable Recording Fees

Document recording fees represent a very small percentage of the closing costs associated with a real estate transaction. However, if the recording fee is calculated incorrectly it may adversely affect the closing.

Property Tax Foreclosure

Property tax systems can foster sustainable homeownership, be fair and reasonable for property owners, and still provide the revenue needed for quality public services.

Real Time Payments / Good Funds

The use of various payment rails in real estate transactions is governed by state Good Funds laws. These laws set requirements for acceptable forms of closing funds. They help to ensure final and disbursable funds are received prior to real estate transfers or closings.

Redaction/Record Shielding

Redaction is intended to shield the location and other personal information of individuals with recognized safety concerns from being accessible through documents contained in the public land records.

Serving Consumers and Communities

ALTA is proud to work alongside government and real estate industry partners to protect consumers from threats to their property rights and break down barriers to homeownership – the greatest source of wealth in the United States.

Title Waiver Pilot

On March 7, the Biden Administration released a plan aimed at lowering housing costs that includes a pilot to waive the requirement for lender’s title insurance on certain refinances.

Unregulated Title Insurance Alternatives

ALTA has engaged with the FHFA and government sponsored entities (GSEs) to help them understand the differences between title insurance and alternative products in the coverage and protection they provide.