2025 Our Values Award Nomination

ALTA Our Values Awards celebrate those in our industry who go the extra mile and encapsulate our promise to our customers. Celebrate your friends and colleagues who showcase what it means to Lead, Deliver and Protect in the best possible ways! Up to four awards are up for grabs: three for individuals and one for an entire ALTA member office or operational team.


2024 Winners

We Lead Award
Jeff McEvoy
Jeff McEvoy was honored for his tireless dedication to using his industry expertise to benefit disadvantaged communities. Through his leadership, McEvoy has spearheaded initiatives that bring together lenders, legislators, real estate professionals and other stakeholders to create housing opportunities for people in need. McEvoy’s work has led to transformative change in Memphis, including through legislation allowing for the development of affordable housing.

We Deliver Award
Sean Holland
Sean Holland until his retirement this summer, was recognized for his contributions to the title industry’s state and national legislative efforts. He worked to combat predatory real estate fee agreements that exploit homeowners and coined the term by which these products have become known: Non-Title Recorded Agreements for Personal Services (NTRAPS). He was a key advocate for the passage of remote online notarization (RON) legislation in Washington.


2023 Winners

We Lead Award
Jamie A. Kosofsky
Jamie won the We Lead Award for championing the proper and effective use of notary services for more than 15 years and leading the way in remote online notarization (RON) legislation. His firm was the first in North Carolina to perform a full in-person electronic notary (IPEN) purchase transaction and complete a fully remote online closing utilizing the North Carolina Emergency Video Notarization Act. Kosofsky was one of the leading proponents and drafters of the North Carolina Remote Electronic Notary Act, which was passed in July 2022.

We Deliver Award
David D. Lanaux
David won the We Protect Award for his tenacity and persistence in fighting fraud. Since establishing a unique quality-control system acheckpointsnts for staff, Lanaux’s policies and procedures have resulted in zero fraud-related losses to his agency in more than a decade.

Collaboration Award
Kathy Kwak
Kathy won the Collaboration Award for being a true example of collaborative leadership for her staff. Kwak’s inclusive decision-making, employee engagement, mentorship and commitment to community initiatives exemplify her as a valuable leader.

2022 Winners

We Lead Award
Jonathan Holfinger OLTP, NTP
Jonathan won the We Lead Award for leading the creation of the Ohio Land Title Association (OLTA) Academy to promote new standards of practice in the industry. The academy consists of three certifications with multiple online courses, corresponding certification guides and tests after every course.

We Deliver Award
James Czapiga
James won the We Deliver Award for delivering a strong, positive environment for his team during the COVID-19 pandemic. Czapiga created an intern program at CATIC, continuing to grow the team during a time of uncertainty. CATIC’s intern program provides training and education to an average of 15 individuals per session, setting the stage for the next generation of title professionals.

We Protect Award
Dan Buchanan
Dan won the We Protect Award for his leadership on the ALTA Forms Committee and working to develop the ALTA 47 Series Endorsements and Operative Law Addenda to address the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma, which raised potential jurisdictional questions regarding choice of law.

Collaboration Award
Association Online
Association Online won the Collaboration Award for developing an environment that supports employee volunteerism and donating 10% of their profits to charity. ’Chokma’shki hotokot yuppa holitoplichi,’ which is Chickasaw for, ‘thank you for this honor,’ said Mike Schwab, president and CEO of Association Online.

2021 Winners

We Lead Award
Michael O’Neal
Michael O’Neal won the We Lead Award for his leadership in the drafting, education and other efforts needed to introduce the SECURE Notarization Act in Congress.

2020 Winners

We Lead Award
Nancy McHugh WLTP
Nancy McHugh WLTP won the We Lead Award for her leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. During March and April 2020, Town n’ Country Title (TNCT) was going through a large title software upgrade amid the uncertainties created by the pandemic as well as a major increase in business volume. McHugh not only navigated work-from-home accommodations for her entire staff, but also sat with each department to learn their daily activities and help where she could. When she wasn’t working late, she was sewing face masks for her team and members of the community.

We Deliver Award
Dee Harrison
Dee Harrison We Deliver Award for closing a transaction at her home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Harrison had a client who needed to close on a property on a specific date not only because the associated rate lock was expiring, but also because the client needed to move her mother before the pandemic became too severe. The client was afraid of exposing her mother to movers and other professionals who might inadvertently put her in contact with the coronavirus. Because the client did not want to meet at an office, Harrison set up the patio at her home for the transaction. The client was blown away that a title agent would open her own home to help keep a stranger safe.

We Protect Award
Maureen Pfaff WTP, NTP
Maureen Pfaff WTP, NTP won the We Protect Award for saving a transaction from a known fraudster who was a fugitive from another state. Pfaff was alerted to potential fraud when a man unknown to her wanted OPT to record documents related to a foreclosure because he claimed Fannie Mae had not paid him for work performed. When Pfaff searched county records, she found several suspicious documents. She eventually discovered that the stranger had been convicted of a home theft scam in Montana and confirmed with the recorder’s office that he indeed was the same man who had recorded the suspicious documents. She then alerted the local sheriff’s office who found the man had warrants out for his arrest. When the man appeared in court for the foreclosure case, the judge dismissed the foreclosure action and the sheriff arrested him on the spot.

Collaboration Award
The Closing Agent Team
The Closing Agent team won the Our Values Collaboration Award for helping not only local real estate partners but also volunteering within the community they serve. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the office pioneered the use of remote online notarization (RON) throughout Florida. President and CEO Barry L. Miller was the first duly appointed remote online notary in the state while Vice President Lyliam Chau was the first woman appointed as a remote online notary. The team has provided multiple classes to real estate agents on the use of RON and the future of closings. They also hold monthly education courses for Realtors.

2019 Winners

We Lead Award
Diane Evans NTP
Diane Evans NTP won the We Lead Award for her leadership on the Land Title Association of Colorado’s Remote Online Notary Task Force. As the consummate title insurance industry advocate, Evans used her expertise to stand up not for her company, butfor  what she thought was in the best interests of the industry and, more importantly, the consumer. Evans lives the concept of leadership through her tireless work to improve the industry for all.

We Deliver Award
Lauren VanniKinard
Lauren Vanni Kinard won the We Deliver Award for going the extra mile to ensure her customers’ transactions are smooth, safe and on time. She delivered for her customers repeatedly, from going out of her way to track down incoming wire transfers after hours to ensure homebuyers wouldn’t have to spend the weekend in a hotel room, to helping a customer’s friend find two unreleased mortgage payments so that person could close on a home equity line of credit.

We Protect Award
Amy Gregory
Amy Gregory won the We Protect Award for pulling out all the stops to help a real estate wire fraud victim. When a customer was defrauded of $130,000, Gregory uncovered where the funds were sent. She even persuaded the U.S. Secret Service to investigate the crime and ultimately retrieve and return the money. She then went a step further and earned her Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) designation to help become a strong resource for other customers.

Collaboration Award
Liberty Title
Liberty Title won the Team Award. Liberty Title’s internal motto is, “If we can’t close it, no one can … or should,” summing up the company’s commitment to their customers. Earlier this year, a customer approached Liberty Title with a title issue that needed to be resolved. Many companies turned the customer away because of an existing lien. Liberty Title’s in-house legal team listened to the customer, explained her options, and then closely examined the lien. The legal team found that the lien should have been expunged years ago.

2018 Winners

We Lead Award
Eddie Oddo
Eddie Oddo won the We Lead Award for his leadership in the rollout and design of the ALTA Title & Settlement Agent Registry, a searchable online database of underwriter-confirmed title agent companies, real estate attorneys and underwriter direct offices; on ALTA’s remote online notary (RON) task force; and with the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO).

We Deliver Award
Jackie Mitchell
Jackie Mitchell won the We Deliver Award for going the extra mile to help a client who suffers from severe social anxiety.

We Protect Award
Shonna S. Cardello
Shonna S. Cardello won the We Protect Award for going above and beyond to help a client who was the victim of wire fraud.

2022 Winners

We Lead Award
Jonathan Holfinger OLTP, NTP
Jonathan won the We Lead Award for leading the creation of the Ohio Land Title Association (OLTA) Academy to promote new standards of practice to the industry. The academy consists of three certifications with multiple online courses, corresponding certification guides and tests after every course.

We Deliver Award
James Czapiga
James won the We Deliver Award for delivering a strong, positive environment for his team during the COVID-19 pandemic. Czapiga created an intern program at CATIC, continuing to grow the team during a time of uncertainty. CATIC’s intern program provides training and education to an average of 15 individuals per session, setting the stage for the next generation of title professionals.

We Protect Award
Dan Buchanan
Dan won the We Protect Award for his leadership on the ALTA Forms Committee and working to develop the ALTA 47 Series Endorsements and Operative Law Addenda to address the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision in McGirt v. Oklahoma, which raised potential jurisdictional questions regarding choice of law.

Collaboration Award
Association Online
Association Online won the Collaboration Award for developing an environment that supports employee volunteerism and donating 10% of their profits to charity. “’Chokma’shki hotokot yuppa holitoplichi,’ which is Chickasaw for, ‘thank you for this honor,’ said Mike Schwab, president and CEO of Association Online.

2021 Winners

We Lead Award
Michael O’Neal
Michael O’Neal won the We Lead Award for his leadership in the drafting, education and other efforts needed to introduce the SECURE Notarization Act in Congress.

2020 Winners

We Lead Award
Nancy McHugh WLTP
Nancy McHugh WLTP won the We Lead Award for her leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. During March and April 2020, Town n’ Country Title (TNCT) was going through a large title software upgrade amid the uncertainties created by the pandemic as well as a major increase in business volume. McHugh not only navigated work-from-home accommodations for her entire staff, but also sat with each department to learn their daily activities and help where she could. When she wasn’t working late, she was sewing face masks for her team and members of the community.

We Deliver Award
Dee Harrison
Dee Harrison We Deliver Award for closing a transaction at her home during the COVID-19 pandemic. Harrison had a client who needed to close on a property on a specific date not only because the associated rate lock was expiring, but also because the client needed to move her mother before the pandemic became too severe. The client was afraid of exposing her mother to movers and other professionals who might inadvertently put her in contact with the coronavirus. Because the client did not want to meet at an office, Harrison set up the patio at her home for the transaction. The client was blown away that a title agent would open her own home to help keep a stranger safe.

We Protect Award
Maureen Pfaff WTP, NTP
Maureen Pfaff WTP, NTP won the We Protect Award for saving a transaction from a known fraudster who was a fugitive from another state. Pfaff was alerted to potential fraud when a man unknown to her wanted OPT to record documents related to a foreclosure because he claimed Fannie Mae had not paid him for work performed. When Pfaff searched county records, she found several suspicious documents. She eventually discovered that the stranger had been convicted of a home theft scam in Montana and confirmed with the recorder’s office that he indeed was the same man who had recorded the suspicious documents. She then alerted the local sheriff’s office who found the man had warrants out for his arrest. When the man appeared in court for the foreclosure case, the judge dismissed the foreclosure action and the sheriff arrested him on the spot.

Collaboration Award
The Closing Agent Team
The Closing Agent team won the Our Values Collaboration Award for helping not only local real estate partners but also volunteering within the community they serve. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the office pioneered the use of remote online notarization (RON) throughout Florida. President and CEO Barry L. Miller was the first duly appointed remote online notary in the state while Vice President Lyliam Chau was the first woman appointed as a remote online notary. The team has provided multiple classes to real estate agents on the use of RON and the future of closings. They also hold monthly education courses for Realtors.

2019 Winners

We Lead Award
Diane Evans NTP
Diane Evans NTP won the We Lead Award for her leadership on the Land Title Association of Colorado’s Remote Online Notary Task Force. As the consummate title insurance industry advocate, Evans used her expertise to stand up not for her company, but what she thought was in the best interests of the industry and, more importantly, the consumer. Evans lives the concept of leadership through her tireless work to improve the industry for all.

We Deliver Award
Lauren VanniKinard
Lauren Vanni Kinard won the We Deliver Award for going the extra mile to ensure her customers’ transactions are smooth, safe and on time. She delivered for her customers repeatedly, from going out of her way to track down incoming wire transfers after hours to ensure homebuyers wouldn’t have to spend the weekend in a hotel room, to helping a customer’s friend find two unreleased mortgage payments so that person could close on a home equity line of credit.

We Protect Award
Amy Gregory
Amy Gregory won the We Protect Award for pulling out all the stops to help a real estate wire fraud victim. When a customer was defrauded of $130,000, Gregory uncovered where the funds were sent. She even persuaded the U.S. Secret Service to investigate the crime and ultimately retrieve and return the money. She then went a step further and earned her Certified Anti-Money Laundering Specialist (CAMS) designation to help become a strong resource for other customers.

Collaboration Award
Liberty Title
Liberty Title won the Team Award. Liberty Title’s internal motto is, “If we can’t close it, no one can … or should,” summing up the company’s commitment to their customers. Earlier this year, a customer approached Liberty Title with a title issue that needed resolved. Many companies turned the customer away because of an existing lien. Liberty Title’s in-house legal team listened to the customer, explained her options, then closely examined the lien. The legal team found that the lien should have been expunged years ago.

2018 Winners

We Lead Award
Eddie Oddo
Eddie Oddo won the We Lead Award for his leadership in the rollout and design of the ALTA Title & Settlement Agent Registry, a searchable online database of underwriter-confirmed title agent companies, real estate attorneys and underwriter direct offices; on ALTA’s remote online notary (RON) task force; and with the Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Organization (MISMO).

We Deliver Award
Jackie Mitchell
Jackie Mitchell won the We Deliver Award for going the extra mile to help a client that suffers from severe social anxiety.

We Protect Award
Shonna S. Cardello
Shonna S. Cardello won the We Protect Award for going above and beyond to help a client who was the victim of wire fraud.