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Tips for Talking Title

Nobody knows more about the value of owner’s title insurance than ALTA members. That’s why it’s best for you to communicate directly with homeowners. This document helps answer basic questions about how to communicate the benefits of title insurance.
FAQs of Title Insurance

Train your staff on how to answer some of the basic questions they will hear about title insurance. This also includes a answer key sheet as well.
Poster - You Sweat the Small Stuff

You can use this internal poster in your break room to help your staff understand they are an integral part of the real estate process and the work they do is important.

Quiz your staff on RESPA and test their knowledge about what is and what is not legal under this vital law. Page 2 contains the answer key.
Seller Impersonation Fraud in Real Estate

Fraudsters are impersonating property owners to illegally sell property. Use this one flyer to educate REALTORS about the dangers of Seller Impersonation Fraud and how to spot fraud. Available in several languages.
You Sweat the Small Stuff

You Sweat the Small Stuff

You can use this internal advertisement to help your staff understand they are an integral part of the real estate process and the work they do is important.
You Sweat the Small Stuff Doorhanger

You can use this industry-facing doorhanger to spread the message of communicating the benefits of title insurance.
Digital Media
ALTA Woman on the Street - What is Title Insurance?!

You think everyone buying a home knows what title insurance is? Share this video with your staff to align their understanding of what consumers know about title insurance.
HOP Leader Tool: General 60-Minute HOP Overview

Use this 60-minute overview to see how you can give a HOP presentation as a HOP Leader.
How to Build an Effective Title Insurance Website

Learn to Best Explain Our Industry

This popular handout is used for 2 mock conversations. The first is with a homeowner at the closing table and the second is for use at a networking event. This handout is great for walking through our industry: what we do and how it benefits our customers.
Presentation Resources
1 Hour HOP Overview (Version 1)

This 2017 60-minute HOP overview was fully updated and serves as a great intro to HOP.
1 Hour HOP Overview (Version 2)

This 60-minute HOP overview is the 2nd version for 2017.
12 Social Media Strategies

Develop your company's social media strategy using these 12 proven methods to reach the consumer in a variety of social media channels.
Full HOP Leader Training (Version 1)

This 2017 PowerPoint was used during the HOP Leader events. Feel free to slice, dice and use as you see fit. This presentation includes an updated version of the Marketing Law PowerPoint that you can cut out for individual presentations if needed.
Full HOP Leader Training (Version 2)

This presentation was created in 2016 for the HOP Leader trainings. You can cut it up, customize it and make it your own for any HOP presentation.
Homeowner Checklist

This customizable presentation is based on the 10 major steps to purchasing a home. Look in the notes section for tips on presenting each slide.
HOP Marketing Law

This PowerPoint was created in 2016 for the RESPA/marketing law section of the HOP training. It has been updated for 2017 but pieces may be used from either presentation.
Managing Your Digital Reputation

The best online reputation management strategy is a proactive one. This presentation will share strategies for building and maintaining a strong online reputation.
Navigating Advertising Law and RESPA

This 60-minute presentation will help you explain advertising law. The slide deck contains 40 slides with notes to help you present, there is one blank slide to insert information on your state.
Talking Title

This presentation will provide helpful tips for talking title in your title company or law firm and how to train without boring your team. Use these strategies to educate your team.
Internal Training
A Homeowner, a Realtor and a Lender Walk Into a Bar. . . Script

Role play how to answer questions about what you do? Fun, exciting, maybe a little provocative . . .
CE Outline - 60 Minute HOP Overview

Use this outline for credit on a 60 minute HOP Overview presentation.
CE Outline - 60 Minutes - HOP for REALTORS

Use this CE outline for a 60 minute HOP presentation to REALTORS.
CE Outline - HOP 90 Minute Presentation

Use this CE outline for a 90 minute HOP presentation.
CLE Outline for Marketing Law HOP

Use this CLE outline for the Marketing Law Presentation within HOP.
Consumer Marketing Workshop - 02 - Video Marketing Updates - Andi Bolin
HOP Leader Andi Bolin discusses the latest trends in video marketing and how you can employ video in your marketing for a low cost.
Consumer Marketing Workshop - 03 - HOP 101 - Linda Grahovec
HOP work group member Linda Grahovec teaches viewers about the beginnings of HOP, our research and audiences, and how you can train your staff, REALTORS and Lenders.
Consumer Marketing Workshop - 04 - HOP Requirements and Resources - Shawn Sullivan
Get an overview of what of requirements and the resources available to HOP Leaders.
Consumer Marketing Workshop - 05 - HOP 60-minute Presentation - Leslie Wyatt & Wayne Stanley
Wayne Stanley and Leslie Wyatt walk you slide by slide through a 60-minute presentation you can give as internal training.
Free vs. Paid HOP Tools

This is a great handout with ideas for free and paid ways to use the HOP education material.
HOP Messaging

Use this to show agents the four main HOP audiences and the messages we've developed for each group.
How to Create a Google Alert

Internal Training Agenda (4 Hours)

This agenda can walk you through a mock HOP training. This training is designed for four hours, but you can cut or add as you see fit.
Learn to Edit Facebook Ads

Learn to Edit PDF Documents

Learn to Edit PowerPoint Presentation

Make Your Marketing Soar With Digital Advertising

The internet has changed the way that people shop for everything—including real estate. Digital marketing is the best way to engage customers in the electronic age. While terms such as “costs-per-lead” to “ad servers” may be overwhelming, getting into this space is vital for companies wanting to stay relevant.
New Hire Onboarding Packet

Internal training helps your office speak with one voice about the benefits of title insurance. Bring new hires into that voice from the beginning with this packet. You can individually customize these files from in ALTAprints.
Starting a Google AdWords Campaign in 5 Steps

Use this new handout for 2017 to walk someone through starting their first Google AdWords campaign.