"The Game of Land Title Knowledge" — It's the ultimate team-building experience for your entire staff!
LTI’s “TITLE TRIUMPH The Game of Land Title Knowledge”
- Level One and Level Two included
- A question & answer board game for land title professionals.
- Designed for team or individual play in 45-60 minutes.
- The ideal lunch & learn opportunity.
- A great team builder and just plain fun!

Title Triumph (Level One)

Title Triumph is a unique and challenging twist in education. Play it at your conference or break room table. No high tech equipment needed. The topics, including closing & escrow; search & exam; commitments & policies; and general industry knowledge, will test employees' knowledge and comprehension. You can play for fun, or with a facilitator. A facilitator will be able to identify strengths and weaknesses in an individual's knowledge of the profession and then recommend customized training programs accordingly. Title Triumph can make your staff more effective and stronger.
Try Before You Buy!
Check Out Sample Game Questions from Level One
What's Inside Level One?
Everything you need to make Title Triumph a regular event in your office!
- 200 game questions - enough for multiple sessions without repeating questions
- 50 scenario advancement/penalty cards
- 25 blank question cards - you can create custom questions for your company, state or region
- Instructions and Game Rules
- Answer Key booklet
- High-quality 19" x 19" quad-fold game board depicting a "town map"
- Six "race car" tokens to move players around the game board
- Large die - so that everyone at the table can see the number rolled
- 30-second timer - to keep the game moving along quickly
Title Triumph (Level Two)

Offers nearly 200 additional questions!
Title Triumph has been expanded with an advanced level of questions and answers. With the addition of Level Two, Title Triumph is an even more challenging and effective employee training tool. Now you have the option of using either Level One or Level Two questions, or blending both sets of questions to heighten the learning experience.
Try Before You Buy!
Check Out Sample Game Questions from Level Two
What's Inside Level Two?
The Level Two supplement has more than 190 question cards with matching Answer Key, new scenario cards and instructions. The topics in Level Two are suitable for experienced title professionals and cover, among other things:
- Basic Principles of Title Insurance Underwriting
- Encumbrances
- Water Rights and Related Issues
- Policies
- Subdivisions
- Uniform Commercial Code
- Endorsements
- Reinsurance and Coinsurance
- Claims
- Legal Descriptions
Interested in Purchasing?
Please visit the ALTA Online Store and order Title Triumph Levels One and Two.
Questions about the LTI products & services? Contact us at [email protected] or call 800-787-2582 for more information.