ALTA Event Code of Conduct

The American Land Title Association strives to create a professional and welcoming environment at all of its events, virtual and in-person, in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity and free from any form of harassment or other discrimination. ALTA expects all Attendees at our events to be respectful of one another, regardless of race, sexuality, gender identification, age, family status, religious affiliation, or other characteristics.

This Event Code of Conduct (“Code of Conduct”) guides everyone who participates in or attends ALTA conferences, meetings or events, including members, non-members, employees, speakers, sponsors, vendors, contractors, volunteers, and other guests (“Attendees”). ALTA wants to ensure that all Attendees understand what behavior is expected and what behavior will not be tolerated at an ALTA conference, meeting, or event. This Code of Conduct applies to all events held at any venue, hotel, meeting room, office location, website, or internet platform where an ALTA sponsored conference, meeting, or other event (including social events) is held.

Everyone participating in an ALTA event is required to abide by the following guidelines.

Expected Behavior

  1. Treat all Attendees with respect and consideration, valuing a diversity of views and opinions.
  2. Be considerate, respectful, and collegial.
  3. Avoid personal attacks directed toward other Attendees.
  4. Be mindful of your surroundings and of other event Attendees.
  5. Alert on-premises personnel and ALTA executive staff if you notice a dangerous situation or someone clearly in distress.
  6. Audio or visual recording and photographing of another individual’s presentation is not permitted unless the presenter states otherwise.
  7. If you notice anyone not following these rules, please inform an event organizer.
  8. Follow recommended precautions to prevent transmission of infectious diseases.

Unacceptable Behavior

ALTA expressly prohibits harassment and discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, pregnancy, genetic information, military and veteran status, marital status, personal appearance, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability or perceived disability (physical or mental), family responsibilities, political affiliation, or any other legally protected characteristic. Examples of conduct prohibited by this Code of Conduct include, without limitation:

  1. Intimidating or threatening verbal or non-verbal conduct.
  2. Harassment in any form, including bullying, intimidation or disparaging comments related to gender, gender identity or appearance, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, religion, ethnicity, national origin, political views, or affiliation.
  3. Sexual harassment, including but not limited to, unwanted or inappropriate conduct, unwanted sexual attention, comments, jokes, or advances.
  4. Lewd, derogatory, or otherwise offensive speech or non-verbal conduct.
  5. Threatening or stalking any Attendee.
  6. Behavior or comments that disrupt the event, a session, or other formal or informal meeting or event in any way.
  7. Drinking in an irresponsible manner.
  8. Any destruction or vandalizing of personal property or event site or materials.
  9. Possession of a weapon or any item that can be used as a weapon, which may be used to threaten or cause injury to others if used in a certain manner.
  10. Knowingly and falsely reporting violations of this Code.
  11. Retaliating against another participant for reporting a violation of this Code.

Reporting Procedure

If any Attendee believes they or another Attendee has been subject to conduct that violates this Code of Conduct, or witnesses such conduct, s/he should report the violation to the ALTA CEO, General Counsel, Director of Meetings, or another member of the Executive Staff while on-site at the event or as soon after the event as possible. Any member of association staff who receives such a report or who witnesses inappropriate conduct must notify a member of ALTA Executive Staff. All reported concerns will be treated seriously and investigated. All Attendees are expected to cooperate fully and honestly with any investigation.

Attendees are subject to the policies and procedures of their place of employment. As such, any Attendees should report an incident to their employer, especially if the incident involves a co-worker.

ALTA asks that anyone who experiences or witnesses behavior such as assault of any kind that constitutes an immediate or serious threat to safety contact 911 or ask for public security.


Attendees who are asked to stop their behavior will be expected to comply immediately. If an Attendee continues to violate this Code, ALTA may take whatever actions it deems appropriate, including, for example, expulsion from the conference without refund, notification of participant’s employer, and disqualification from attending future events.


ALTA has a zero-tolerance policy for behavior in violation of any state, federal or local law or regulation. ALTA reserves the right to work with a governmental authority in their investigation of any criminal complaint involving discrimination or harassment, physical and verbal, by Attendees at our meetings.

In response to repeated and witnessed incidents of unacceptable behavior as listed below, ALTA reserves the right to communicate within the appropriate channels of an Attendee’s employer, and also reserves the right to prohibit attendance at any future meeting.

No Retaliation

ALTA will not tolerate any actual or attempted reprisals or retaliation against individuals who raise in good faith a concern that this Code of Conduct has been violated, or who participate in the investigation of such a concern.


If you have any questions about this policy, please contact [email protected].