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Stewart Title

Do you want to maximize efficiency, minimize errors, leverage your competitive advantage, and provide top-notch customer service? ALTA's Title Agents & Abstracters Operations Survey collects information about what title agents, abstracters and underwriter direct operations do, and how they do it, allowing companies to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses to improve their company's policies and procedures. From Business Development to Technology to Regulatory Compliance and everything in between, the Operations Survey will provide the data needed to make informed and strategic decisions to help businesses thrive in this challenging market.

Data privacy is a top priority for ALTA, and we want you to know your information is safe! The survey is hosted on a secure platform, and all responses are completely confidential. No one except your company's designated contact will have access to the company-specific information you provide. ALTA staff may access aggregate data showing industry trends and performance to help us promote the industry.

Join ALTA or Log In to get started and be sure to check out the Operations Survey User Guide and FAQs for helpful tips and tricks and the Operations Survey Question List for a list of the questions in the survey.
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Account or login questions? Please call 202-296-3671 and ask for anyone on the Membership team or email [email protected].
Question about the Operations Survey? Please contact [email protected].

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