ALTA/NSPS Land Survey Work Group
The purpose and scope of work of this work group is to:
- Coordinate with the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) to update the Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys on a 5-year cycle.
- Collaborate with NSPS to Develop educate and inform the title, settlement, surveying, and related industries about the importance of an accurate land title survey to land title evidencing.

Todd D. D'Amico PLS
VP, Commercial Surveys & MappingFA Commercial Due Diligence Services Co
Norman, OK

Heather Bland ITP
SVP, Chief Underwriting Counsel - Direct OperationsStewart Title Company
Naperville, IL

Mark Fuller
Director of OperationsNational Due Diligence Services
Maitland, FL

Dione Joseph J.D., NTP, OLTP
National Commercial Underwriting CounselOld Republic National Title Insurance Company
Chicago, IL

Deb Karlson
Commercial Title OfficerFirst American Title Insurance Company National Commercial Services
Minneapolis, MN

Gary Kent
Professional SurveyorMeridian Land Consulting, Inc.
Westfield, IN

Matthew Marron
Managing CounselFNF Family of Companies
Jacksonville, FL

Craig Trummel WTP
UnderwriterWFG National Title Insurance Company
Portland, OR

John Whisman
First American Title CompanySan Jose, CA

Steven Gold
Associate Counsel & Senior Director of ProductsAmerican Land Title Association
Clearwater, FL