Diversity & Inclusion Subcommittee

Kristi Kaufman NTP
VP, Director of Professional Development and Client GrowthFNF Family of Companies
Boston, MA

David Scott
SVP, Enterprise Services National AgencyOld Republic National Title Insurance Company
Aurora, CO

Devin Buckland
Head of Title and ClosingAvenue One
Rockwall, TX

Toni Carroll NTP
VP, Fiduciary BankingCapital Bank, NA
Waxhaw, NC

Elizabeth A Daniel KTP, MTP, NTP
PresidentContinental Title Company - Overland Park
Overland Park, KS

Lindee Deshler NTP
Underwriting Counsel/VPOld Republic National Title Insurance Company
Kansas City, MO

Nancy L. Gusman CLTP, NTP
OwnerGusmanLegal, LLC
Beltsville, MD

Dione Joseph J.D., NTP, OLTP
National Commercial Underwriting CounselOld Republic National Title Insurance Company
Chicago, IL

Charity Murow
Senior Underwriting CounselLexington National Land Services
New York, NY

Janet L Schaum
Vice President / Regional Sales ExecutiveOld Republic National Title Insurance Company
Tampa, FL

Katie Schmitz NTP, WLTP
President and COOGuaranty Closing and Title Services, Inc.
Fond Du Lac, WI

Mike Schwab
CEOAssociation Online
Fort Collins, CO

Candi J. Slobodnik KTP, MTP, NTP
VP, Education and Underwriting CounselSpring Hill, KS

Colleen Taylor
Agency Representative, VCTSAOld Republic National Title Insurance Company - VA Operations
Manassas, VA

Katherine F.L. Vyas
VP & State CounselCATIC
Chicago, IL