Executive Committee
This committee is comprised of the President, President-Elect and Immediate Past President and will meet at least quarterly. The purpose and scope of work of this committee is to:
- Oversee the implementation of board policies and ensure that the ALTA Board of Governors (Board) is maintaining and establishing good corporate governance policies.
- Provide ongoing advice, counsel, and direction to assist the CEO in the execution of the CEO's duties including the CEO's annual performance review and approval of overall staff compensation.
- Advise CEO and / or Board on sensitive issues which may include workplace / personnel issues, or other urgent priorities that may arise.

Don Kennedy
Managing Director, First American Title Insurance Company’s Agency DivisionFirst American Title Insurance Company
Santa Ana, CA

David Townsend MTP, NTP
Senior Vice PresidentFNF Family of Companies
Jacksonville, FL

Richard H. Welshons MTP, NTP
Twin Cities ManagerThe Title Team and DCA Title
Hastings, MN