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Richard H. Welshons MTP, NTP
Twin Cities ManagerThe Title Team and DCA Title
Hastings, MN

David Townsend MTP, NTP
Senior Vice PresidentFNF Family of Companies
Jacksonville, FL

Donald A. O'Neill
Deputy General Counsel, Chief Compliance OfficerWFG National Title Insurance Company
Portland, OR
Chair, Finance Committee

Lisa M Steele
Chief Operating OfficerMother Lode Holding Company
Roseville, CA
Chair, A&A Section

Craig Haskins
CEO and PresidentKnight Barry Title, Inc.
Milwaukee, WI
Chair, Und Section

Scott T. Chandler CTIS, NTP
Chief Operating OfficerWestcor Land Title Insurance Company
Lone Tree, CO
Chief Executive Officer

Diane Tomb
Chief Executive OfficerAmerican Land Title Association
Washington, DC
Chief Operating Officer

Cornelia M. Horner CMP
Chief Operating OfficerAmerican Land Title Association
Washington, DC

Kelly Lyn Romeo CAE
Senior Vice President & Chief Information OfficerAmerican Land Title Association
Washington, DC