ALTA members in good standing may display the ALTA logo as a means of exhibiting their affiliation with ALTA. The logo consists of its art design and ALTA's name spelled out. The logo must be used in its entirety and the colors may not be altered. The logo and phrase "ALTA Member" must always be displayed together and the text or relative size may not be altered. Use of the ALTA logo without a member designation is prohibited.
The logo (used only with the phrase ALTA Member) may appear on current member's literature, signage, business and electronic correspondence, and website provided it takes secondary status in appearance to member's name and credentials. Use of the logo or ALTA's name or acronym by non-members or members that have allowed their membership to lapse due to non-payment is strictly prohibited.
Without the express written permission of ALTA, you may NOT use ALTA's logo, ALTA's name, ALTA's acronym, or ALTA's member icons:
- to imply endorsement by ALTA of any product, event, position, action, or idea; or
- to make statements on behalf of the organization or to address political issues.
Following are links to digital versions of the ALTA logo in various formats. Right-click (Windows) or Control-click (Mac) on a link to save a copy to your disk:
ALTA Member Logo Versions
ALTA reserves the right to change these rules at any time. Please contact with questions.