Stewart Appoints Regional CTOs to Reach Enterprise IT Objectives

February 4, 2003

HOUSTON - Stewart Information Services Corp. (NYSE-STC) has appointed regional chief technology officers (CTOs) in each of its 11 regions to enhance two-way communication and cultivate a collaborative, global environment throughout the organization.

"The most important objective of defining these new roles is to increase the level of communication across the entire Stewart IT organization," said Mike Davis, Stewart's chief information officer (CIO). "From an IT perspective, in a global, enterprise environment like Stewart, collaboration is key in eliminating duplication of efforts, taking advantage of economies of scale and implementing global solutions."

Stewart's recently appointed global CTO, Gary Morris, will work together with regional counterparts to drive Stewart enterprise initiatives to every office and to identify field innovations to implement nationally.

"We've always encouraged an entrepreneurial spirit in our field offices and as a result, many of our technological innovations actually begin in the field," said Stewart Morris Jr., president and co-chief executive officer, Stewart Information Services Corp. "Our regional CTOs will identify opportunities and bring them back to us as potential enterprise solutions that can benefit every office, as well as maintain responsibility for carrying out our national technology solutions within each region."

"This is a great advancement for Stewart in terms of synchronizing our communication channels and technology efforts worldwide, ultimately resulting in faster turn-times, increased productivity and cost containment for the entire organization," Davis said.

Stewart's regional CTOs will act as Information Technology (IT) consultants and coordinators serving agents and affiliates in each Stewart region. By also serving on the newly formed Stewart Technology Leadership Team, they will be able to assist their regions in meeting the national IT goals defined in Stewart's five-year technology plan. The plan was developed to help Stewart reach its business initiatives through technology, focusing on long-term strategies.

Local IT staff will continue to focus on localized technology solutions for agents and offices, but with an increased level of accountability and collaboration with the technology leadership in Houston. The regional CTOs were appointed by region managers and will maintain their existing responsibilities and reporting structures.

Source: Stewart Information Services Corp.

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