Lender's First Choice Selects GATORS Technology Platform for Settlement Services Business

February 10, 2003

PITTSBURGH, - General American Corporation (GAC), a national technology solutions provider to the real estate settlement services industry, announced that Lender's First Choice (LFC) selected its GATORS technology to facilitate its national title and closing operations.

According to LFC management, they were looking for a system with Web capabilities, a stand-alone platform, customization options and installation within a very short time frame. "We looked at every title technology provider out there in the market today, trying to find the best solution to suit our needs. We were very demanding, but GATORS came through with everything we were looking for and more," said Trevor Stoffer, LFC's senior vice president of Southern California operations.

"We're honored that Lender's First chose GATORS for the processing of their national settlement services. GATORS was clearly the best choice for their needs and will help them deliver superior customer service to consumers as well as their lending clients. Our staff was more than willing to do everything it took to customize the software for their needs and complete the installation within the short lead time," commented Rich Snedden, CEO of GAC.

LFC provides title and closing services and acts as a one-stop shop to national and regional mortgage lenders in 41 states including parts of Texas and California. Services are accessed through their Web site, www.lendersfirstchoice.com.

"We are a service-driven, consumer-sensitive company. Because our title and closing services are provided to mortgage lenders nationwide through our Web site, it was critical to implement a system that could efficiently facilitate those services and support us in providing the first-class service our customers have come to expect from us. GATORS also provides the advanced technology and customizations we require to handle our closing transactions, produce title policies, and conduct our order management and fulfillment," said Stoffer.

In addition to the GATORS customizations currently in place, LFC and GAC are discussing possible collaborations to create enhancements for the GATORS system that will benefit other settlement services providers on the west coast.

"We're very pleased with the quality and service we have received from the GATORS team and are excited about the opportunity to share with them our insight as settlement service providers operating on the west coast. We believe future GATORS customers in this region will benefit greatly from some of the enhancements that could result from the collaboration," added Stoffer.

"Working with LFC has helped take GATORS to the next level of customer service regarding our west coast customers. We look forward to continuing the relationship and serving their future title technology needs," added Snedden.

Souce: General American Corporation

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