Property Records Industry Association Elects Board Members
September 7, 2004
Durham, N.C.—During its July 22-23 Summer Conference in San Antonio, the Property Records Industry Association (PRIA) officially installed its new Board of Directors.
The following were re-elected Association directors and will serve two-year terms: The Honorable Maxine Olson-Hill, Burleigh County recorder, N.D.; The Honorable Joan McCalmant, Linn County recorder, Iowa; Carolyn Ableman, Snohomish County chief deputy auditor, Wash.; Steve McDonald, Lancaster County recorder of deeds, Pa. and David Ewan, legal consultant, New Jersey Land Title Association, Williamstown, N.J.
The Property Records Industry Association (PRIA,) a Delaware non profit corporation, was formed to proliferate cooperation between land records officials and the business community. The PRIA is successful in bringing together all sectors of the industry to work on issues of mutual concern. The PRIA strives to serve the industry by facilitating recordation and access to public property records by formulating and disseminating model standards, systems and procedures, while preserving the integrity of those records. The Association has 398 members across the country. For more information, visit our Web site,
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