Title First Agency Expands Michigan Operations

September 29, 2004

Title First Michigan to open offices in Grand Rapids and Lansing

Columbus, OH, — Title First Agency, Inc., a leading title insurance agency and real estate information company with offices throughout Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan and West Virginia, today announced the expansion of the company’s Michigan operations. The company will open two new offices – in Grand Rapids and Lansing – and hire additional staff to service the expanded region.

James Hewit, president of Title First Agency, said the expansion will bring the Lansing and Grand Rapids markets a new choice in title and settlement services from a highly experienced, customer-oriented company.

“Title First provides customers an unparalleled level of service and experience in the real estate industry,” said James Hewit, president of Title First. “This expansion will bring realtors, lenders and builders alike a new partner for the diverse services needed to complete successful real estate transactions.”

Title First identified Lansing and Grand Rapids as expanding, dynamic markets that will respond well to the level of service the company offers customers. This move will increase the company’s client base and provide an added convenience to existing customers doing business in those areas.

“Title First Michigan has built a reputation for partnering with our clients to meet their diverse real estate transaction needs,” said Tricia Gallagher, senior vice president of Michigan and Indiana operations. “We are committed to bringing this same level of service and flexibility to the Lansing and Grand Rapids markets.”

Source: Title First Agency, Inc.

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