Ez2Companies and Endzone Title Corp. Enter Into Merger Letter of Intent

July 10, 2007

Ez2Companies has entered into a merger-related letter of intent with Endzone Title Corp. (endzonetitle.com) of Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. Endzone Title is a profitable and growing business managed and directed by Terry Kirby, who is a former NFL running back. Endzone Title does business in South Florida and offers an array of products to mortgage bankers/brokers, real estate agents and their clients. Endzone offers innovative services such as a paperless Web-based transaction system where all parties involved in a closing transaction can monitor the status of that transaction or closing file anytime via a secure on-line viewable,printable network. Ez2Companies President Jeff Berkowitz said, "We are delighted to work with Endzone Title Corp. because Terry brings to the table expertise in the mortgage and real estate sectors as well as his core business. Notwithstanding this horrible real estate market, Endzone Title is/was still able to turn a profit. We feel very comfortable that Endzone Title can and will become a growth story through merger activity and organic means as a public company. Terry Kirby, CEO of Endzone Title Corp., said, "We've been looking for ways to grow our core business and going public just seems to make sense. We've been talking with Ez2Companies President Jeff Berkowitz for a few months now and we feel the time to move foward with our goal of expansion into other areas has come. We're not just a title company and our goal is to branch out into the mortgage and real estate sectors when the merger is complete."

Ez2Companies.com, Inc. is a holding and consulting company. The Company owns the following corporations: Ez2Stream, Ez2Broadcast, Ez2Ask, Ez2Mortgage, Ez2Music, Ez2Realestate, Ez2Date, Ez2Escrow, Ez2Speak and Ez2Movies. The company, through its wholly owned subsidiaries, is actively seeking merger, acquisition and or partnership opportunities.

Source: Ez2Companies.com, Inc.

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