Michigan Agents Launch Nationwide Title Insurance Referral Network

October 16, 2007

Grand Rapids, MI – Principals of The Independent Title Agents Network (“TiTAN”) officially launched their nationwide title insurance referral network. Membership in the network is limited to select title agents who meet stringent membership criterion to assure high quality referral responses will result in seamless transactions and superior customer service.

Although TiTAN web site (www.titanreferrals.com) wnet live just last week, but members have been pre-signed covering the states of Michigan, Illinois, Florida, Indiana, Ohio and Arizona. Seventy-five orders have already been placed totaling over $55,000,000 in liability limits in 20 states. TiTAN has also placed searches for members as well as finding attorneys for deed preparation in various states.

Judy Sasfy, Managing Partner of TiTAN stated “TiTAN’s new web based portal will provide member agents with a tool kit that will facilitate rapid screening and selection of member agents. In addition, the portal supports total electronic document and transaction management for host agents and any other designated parties in a transaction such as principals, lenders and counsel. TiTAN opens up the trade area for all their members as they will now be able to handle their customer’s title needs no matter where the property is located within the 50 states.”

Sasfy added “Whether as a single office operator or multi state agent, member agents can benefit from both top line revenue growth and streamlined transaction management while leveraging present resources. By accessing the network, host agents will be assured that their referrals will be handled by local member agents who provide knowledge of local customs, continuity of underwriter standards and still without having to rely on out sourcing their search and recording needs.”

The timing for the web site launch coincided at the annual ALTA conference in Chicago. This is the 100th anniversary for the American Land Title Association and companies like TiTAN will highlight the significant technological advances made in the business during the past century.

About TiTAN principals: Judy Sasfy is a former Agency Representative for Chicago Title. The Philip Greco Title Company is one of the largest independent title agents in the metro Detroit, MI area for more than 35 years. Liberty Title Company is based in Ann Arbor, MI and issues title insurance for five nationwide underwriters. Huron Title is located in Port Huron, MI and writes for seven nationwide underwriters. Bell Title is located in Okemos, MI and serves the greater Lansing, MI market. Combined, the principals write for Chicago, Commonwealth, First American, Land America, Old Republic, Security Union, Stewart, and Ticor.

For more information please check out the web site at  www.titanreferrals.com

Source: TiTAN

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].