Controlling Technology Spending is Top IT Priority for Small Business

November 27, 2007

In a survey of 724 technology officers in businesses with fewer than 1,000 employees designed to show the decision criteria for small business technology spending, 37 percent said that managing their information technology (IT) budget was their top priority. Second on their list of concerns was IT maintenance at 26 percent.

The web-based survey published by the Computer Technology Industry Association (CompTIA), was conducted by AMI-Partners and reported information about IT spending plans among small businesses for the coming year in the United States, Canada, and the UK.

Other concerns high on the list for IT managers in small businesses were

Using technology to increase worker productivity

Keeping current systems running longer

Finding the right vendors for their businesses Despite managers' emphasis on managing IT budgets, the small business market for technology is quite healthy, CompTIA says, and IT spending in the smaller businesses in the next year is expected to increase at nearly double digits, much more than in larger companies. AMI-Partners estimates that small and medium-sized businesses in America will spend $151.4 billion on technology in 2008, Information Week reports.

"SMBs want someone who will do more than just sell them hardware, software, and services," CompTIA President and CEO John Venator said according to a report in Information Week. "They're going to work with the vendors and solution providers who put them in the best position to use technology to its utmost today and in the future."

CompTIA research reports at show that most small and medium-sized companies have already invested in PCs and printers and are looking for upgrades. They are also seeking solutions that will allow them to interact with customers and business partners, including customer relationship management software. With security a concern and growing databanks, small businesses are also in the market for security and storage solutions.

Source: CompTIA Research

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