RamQuest Launches 2010 HUD-1

August 12, 2009

RamQuest, Inc., a provider of solutions for the land title industry, announced that it has launched its 2010 HUD-1. The company reported it has spent recent months forging ahead and pioneering industry RESPA education initiatives including the design and deployment of the RESPAready community forum and serving on ALTA’s RESPA Implementation Task Force.

RamQuest said its 2010 HUD-1 automatically transfers data from page 2 to page 3 of the new HUD forms and eliminates the need for duplicate data entry. The company said the solution is flexible, integrating the new 2010 HUD-1 in tandem with the current HUD-1 form, enabling RamQuest customers to service their customers on an early RESPA adoption curve and their customers not yet ready to use the new HUD-1 and GFE forms.

Paul Bandiera, RamQuest’s Chief Strategy Officer, commented, “The design of our 2010 solution enables us to be flexible in the coming months while the industry awaits clarification of the rule and during the anticipated synchronization of state regulations. We know this transition period will require a dynamic solution to ensure a smooth transition to full implementation of the rule in 2010. RamQuest’s solution does just that.”

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