Training CD Now Available as RESPA as Implementation Deadline Nears

October 21, 2009

Compiling information provided by its RESPA Implementation Taskforce, ALTA’s Land Title Institute has released a 70-minute training CD designed to provide best practices for implementation of the new GFE/HUD-1. Titled “Closing Real Estate Transactions in 2010,” the CD provides a line-by-line discussion of how to fill out the HUD-1, along with an overview of RESPA and the Final Rule.

The CD can be downloaded here on the ALTA website. Cost of the CD is $99 for members and $149 for non-members.

While HUD continues to provide additional guidance, revisions of the CD may become available, but ALTA believed it was vital to provide educational material to the industry.

“We won’t have answers to everything, but we are looking at the clock and have to move forward,” said Dan Wold, chairman of the Taskforce. “I anticipate there will be more issues that will come up.”

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].