What’s on Tap for Tuesday at ALTA Fed Conference

March 1, 2010

Here’s a look at the informative sessions and scheduled for Tuesday at the 2010 ALTA Federal Conference and Lobby Day, being held Feb. 28-March 3 at the Marriott Metro Center in Washington, D.C. Watch for updates on these sessions in our live coverage. NAIC State Regulators Briefing

Joe Bieniek, Senior Regulatory Services Advisor, NAIC

Paula Sisneros, Director of Compliance and Investigations, Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies

Dudley Ewen, Chief Market Conduct Examiner, Maryland Insurance Department

Insurance regulators will discuss the NAIC Title Insurance Issues Task Force Work Plan for 2010 and how the title industry could be affected by new regulation. The presentation will offer an opportunity for dialogue between the presenters and the participants on challenges and opportunities of such a plan as well as greater understanding of the operations of title companies and interests of the title industry and regulators to protect consumers.


David Stevens, Assistant Secretary of Housing & FHA Commissioner

Department of Housing and Urban Development Before the market meltdown, subprime lenders accounted for nearly 40 percent of all residential lending. Now, the FHA has filled that void. Is this a level that can be maintained? Or will production be curbed? The FHA Commissioner will offer his perspective on the mortgage market and the role the FHA will play in continuing the economic recovery.


Ivy Jackson, Director of the Office of RESPA and Interstate Land Sales, HUD

Barton Shapiro, Deputy Director, RESPA and Interstate Land Sales, HUD

Laura Turner Gipe, Compliance Specialist, HUD

HUD officials will discuss the new RESPA rule which took effect on January 1, 2010. The panel will address issues and solutions discovered during implementation, including discussion of the new Good Faith Estimate and HUD-1 Settlement Statement. If you have questions and concerns about the new forms, you won't want to miss this dialogue.

WHITE HOUSE BRIEFING Old Executive Office Building, the White House

Elizabeth Vale, Executive Director, White House Business Council

Peter Swire, Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy, National Economic Council

Two of President Obama's key advisors will discuss the Administration's agenda for financial regulatory reform in 2010. Topics include regulation of banking, insurance and financial services, economic stimulus, foreclosure prevention, government support of mortgage lending through Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and the proposed Consumer Financial Protection Agency. Will title insurance become regulated by the federal government under the CFPA? How will the CFPA interact with state insurance regulators?

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].