Photos from Business Strategies Conference Available

May 25, 2010

Images from ALTA’s 2010 Business Strategies Conference, which was held May 2-4 in St. Louis, are now available. Pictures from all three days of the event, from the opening reception to the closing luncheon, are available. For reprints contact Shawn Sullivan.

Handouts and audio recordings from the professional development and general sessions also are available. This information is only available to registered Business Strategies Conference attendees for the first 90 days after the conclusion of the meeting. After 90 days, the proceedings become available to all ALTA members.

Also, for those of that attended the Business Strategies Conference, please click here to answer a short survey about the conference and be entered to win memorabilia autographed by the closing speaker, Major League Baseball Hall of Famer Whitey Herzog.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].