2010 ALTA Annual Convention Registration Brochure Now Available

August 10, 2010

Whether you are coming for the first-class education opportunity to gather business strategies and earn CE credits, to network and develop new partnerships, or to simply enjoy the sights and sounds of San Diego, you will want to check out the 2010 ALTA Annual Convention registration brochure.

The 20-page brochure provides everything you need to know about the event being held Oct. 13-16 at the Manchester Grand Hyatt in San Diego. Don't let your competition get a leg up on you - check out the brochure and see what you can learn. Register by Sept. 17 and save $200.

The brochure should be arriving in your mailbox or you can download it here , and check out what your peers and competitors will be enjoying at this year's event.

What's included in the brochure:

  • Daily schedule of week-long activities
  • Details on General Sessions
  • Schedule of Professional Development Tracks
  • Special events and tours, including the Michael F. Wille Memorial TIPCAC Golf Tournament
  • Vendor sessions and sponsors
  • Special limited-time discounts
  • Hotel and travel information

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].