ALTA Donates 100 Pounds of Soap to Help Prevent Disease and Save Lives

December 30, 2010

The American Land Title Association partnered with Clean the World to help prevent the spread of disease and save lives.

During its 2010 Annual Convention in San Diego, ALTA donated 100 pounds of soap from staff rooms and participating attendees that stayed at the Manchester Grand Hyatt. The donation will help 99 children for one month. According to Clean the World, every day in North America thousands of hotels discard millions of pounds of soap and shampoo.

Each year around the world, more than five million lives are lost to these diseases with the majority of deaths being among children less than five years old. Studies have shown that simple hand washing substantially reduces the spread of diseases.

Clean the World distributes recycled soap products, along with appropriate educational materials, to impoverished countries worldwide, and to domestic homeless shelters.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].