U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson to Address Federal Conference Attendees
March 1, 2011
Come and listen to U.S. Sen. Ben Nelson (D-NE), a key member of the Appropriations Committee, who will speak during ALTA’s 2011 Federal Conference and Lobby Day.
Sen. Nelson will address attendees during the March 15 lunch.
The Appropriations Committee is the largest and one of the most powerful committees in the Senate as it has legislative jurisdiction over all discretionary spending legislation in the Senate.
Find out what decisions are being made on Capitol Hill regarding issues such as GSE reform and Dodd-Frank rulemaking, and how it may impact your local market.
Sen. Nelson recognizes the importance of the industry to the American economy, and he has worked to keep it strong and able to provide protection for its policyholders. As someone who has spent much of his professional life in the industry, he is recognized as a leader on insurance issues in the Senate, and he has championed legislation to ensure the stability and viability of America’s insurance industry.
"The insurance industry is a vital component of America's financial security and economic prosperity," Nelson said.
The Federal Conference provides the best opportunity for our industry to establish itself as a knowledgeable resource and thought leader on property rights, title insurance and real estate settlements.
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