MBA Releases 2010 Commercial Real Estate Data Book

April 12, 2011

Commercial and multifamily real estate markets continued to stabilize in the fourth quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s 2010 fourth quarter Commercial Real Estate/Multifamily Finance Quarterly Data Book. Included in the report are the top commercial and multifamily mortgage servicers during 2010.

According to the report, the volume of commercial and multifamily property sales picked up throughout 2010, with sales of apartments, industrial, office and retail properties hitting $106 billion for the year. Compared to 2009, sales of apartment buildings were up 107 percent, of industrial properties up 95 percent, of office buildings up 152 percent, and of retail properties sup 52 percent.

The report said macro-economic shocks and uncertainty are a major factor in today’s market. On the one hand, the global nature of the capital markets and international trade mean that events in the Middle East or Asia can have a real impact on financing costs or a tenant’s income or outlook and demand for commercial space. On the other hand, most of these connections go through many layers that temper the impact on real estate and real estate fundamentals.

“It is likely that in coming quarters macro-economic trends will continue to be a major driver for U.S. commercial real estate markets and that the fundamentals of the markets will also be at least one step removed from the macro trends,” the report stated.

The report also reveals the top commercial and multifamily mortgage servicers during 2010.

On top of the list of firms is Wells Fargo with $451.1 billion in U.S. master and primary servicing, followed by PNC Real Estate/Midland Loan Services with $337.4 billion, Berkadia Commercial Mortgage with $194.9 billion, Bank of America Merrill Lynch with $126.6 billion, and KeyBank Real Estate Capital with $118.9 billion.

Commercial and multifamily real estate markets continued to stabilize in the fourth quarter, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association’s 2010 fourth quarter Commercial Real Estate/Multifamily Finance Quarterly Data Book. Included in the report are the top commercial and multifamily mortgage servicers during 2010.

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