TSS Software Releases Integrated GFE Quote Solution

August 25, 2011

TSS Software Corp. introduced iQuoteExpress, which integrates real-time with TitleExpress, TSS’s flagship title and settlement solution. iQuoteExpress provides customers with instant online GFE Quotes using calculations directly from TitleExpress. Quotes are available for quick conversion into new TitleExpress orders. A detailed listing of quotes enables sales staff to quickly identify potential leads for follow-up.

Users can brand iQuoteExpress with their company logo and messaging and make it accessible to customers through a personalized URL address.

“This flexible, secure, Web-based Quoting solution greatly reduces the time needed to prepare GFE Quotes by internal staff or by customers accessing the website,” states Barbara Miller, president and chief operating officer of TSS.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].