Book Room Now for 2012 Federal Conference

April 10, 2012

The hotel cut-off date for ALTA 2012 Federal Conference and Lobby Day, which is being held May 6-9 at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in D.C., has been extended until April 13.

Book your room now to take advantage of room discounts and to ensure your stay at the conference headquarters.

While the focus of the Fed Conference is to meet with members of Congress and explain the value of title insurance and how their decisions impact business, ALTA has planned several informative sessions.

In two separate presentations, President Obama’s and Governor Romney’s advisors will give a 2012 Presidential campaign outlook. Speakers will discuss what the federal government can do to help restore the health of the housing market as part of a broader strategy for economic recovery. Speakers have been invited and are not confirmed.

In another session, panelists will discuss legislative proposals to reform Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and the housing finance system. They will also discuss how these proposals could impact the real estate economy. Find out what proposals are on the table and how they could ultimately impact your business.

ALTA has invited Richard Cordray, director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, to discuss the CFPB’s priorities, including the creation of new mortgage disclosure forms, non-bank supervision, mortgage servicing and enforcement. Attendees will hear Director Cordray’s thoughts on the recent state attorneys general settlement regarding foreclosures and learn the next steps regulators plan to take to help bring an economic and housing market recovery.

ALTA also plans to dig deeper into the issue of the CFPB's effort to create new mortgage disclosure forms, which will result in a new GFE and HUD-1. The Bureau is required by law to publish the forms and regulations by July 2012. This panel will discuss the latest draft forms, what you should expect the proposal to look like when it is released in July, who will be expected to complete the combined HUD/TIL disclosure and how implementation of the form will impact the title insurance industry.

To prep attendees for meetings with their members of Congress, ALTA will hold a Lobby Day briefing. Learn what to expect, how ALTA lobbyists talk about the issues that you will discuss, and what talking points to utilize in your meetings. Presentation materials will be distributed for Hill visits. This briefing is designed to answer all of your questions to ensure a successful visit with your legislators.

Additional information:

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].