Lender Instructions: What am I agreeing to? Find Out at the Agents Forum

April 17, 2012

ALTA’s next Agents and Abstracters Forum, which will be held May 20 in Minneapolis, Minn., will address changes in lender instructions and how it can impact agent liability.

David Townsend, CEO of Agents National Title Insurance Co., will discuss how these instructions have become more complex and bind agents to certain coverages. Attendees will leave knowing what to look for in these instructions and understand what you are agreeing to.

In addition to this conversation, the Forum will feature a discussion where attendees can discuss the major issues impacting your business. Register today for this low-cost opportunity to meet with peers, exchange ideas and get some fresh marketing ideas. Note: To encourage discussion among agents and abstracters, the Forum is only open to agents.

A block of rooms has been reserved at the Crown Plaza Minneapolis Hotel & Suites. They are currently offering room rates as low as $109/night. To make your reservations, please click here or call 1-800-227-6963 and let them know you are with the American Land Title Association. The Forum scheduled for April 22 in Dallas was cancelled.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].