eLynx Tightens Requirements for Closing Agents

April 26, 2012

eLynx has strengthened the requirements for closing agents registering with the eLynx Electronic Closing Network (eCN).

Closing agents must be registered in eCN to receive loan documents from lenders using eLynx’s delivery services. To date, over 50 million loans have been processed using eLynx’s services. According to eLynx, eCN contains the largest database of registered closing agents in the United States. The new requirements give lenders better visibility into who is closing their loans and reduces the risk of fraud by unauthorized closing or escrow agents. When prospective closing agents register with eCN, they must provide risk mitigation information about themselves, their business and their role in the closing workflow. For example, companies that disburse escrow funds are required to identify the types of insurance and licenses they carry as well as banking account information. Enhanced quality controls on key pieces of data ensure the integrity and accuracy of the entered information. “Providing transparency into the closing workflow is a key differentiator that our services provide to lenders,” said Sharon Matthews, president and CEO of eLynx. “Knowing not only where your loan is in the process, but who has responsibility for it is important. Our services ensure that the agents lenders entrust with their closing documents are who they say they are, and possess the right assets to mitigate risk throughout the mortgage transaction.”

In addition to strengthening the requirements for closing agent registration, eLynx announced other enhancements, including:

  • Streamlining the closing document pickup workflow to support specific business processes and support lender-specific risk mitigation efforts.
  • Incorporating additional integration with title underwriters to better manage document access and agent validation.
  • Improving data quality for both user registration and loan documents.
These new features are available now to eLynx customers using eCN. To date, more than 50 million loans have been processed using eLynx’s services.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].