Adeptive Integrates Data Trace’s Automated Title Product into the ResWare Platform

August 2, 2012

Adeptive announced that Data Trace Information Services’ TitleIQ is now integrated with Adeptive’s ResWare Platform.

Data Trace Information Services is a provider of automated title and tax data to the real estate settlement services industry and TitleIQ is its automated title product.

The integration allows users of ResWare to electronically submit orders to Data Trace’s proprietary Title IQ platform. Title IQ offers an automated search package including title plant data and images, and an automated extraction service, both of which are generally delivered within four hours. TitleIQ combines data from unique proprietary sources and Data Trace’s exclusive geographic title plants. The online automated service platform applies flexible and customizable business rules to create complete streamlined refinance and equity products, preliminary reports and title commitments, customizable to each user’s preferences and underwriting guidelines.

“Our customers now have TitleIQ's national title and tax information system available to them, empowering them to further streamline order processing and title production,” said Bryan Buus, president of Adeptive. “At Data Trace, we are continually seeking new ways to make title research and production tasks easier for our clients to perform,” said Robert Karraa, president of Data Trace. “This integration with ResWare allows users to manage a real estate transaction through a single interface, seamlessly and efficiently marrying world-class data to premium workflow management.”

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].