Register for ALTA 2014 Lobby Day Issue Briefing Webinar

April 29, 2014

ALTA will hold a 40-minute webinar at 3 p.m. ET, Wednesday, April 30 to help prepare Federal Conference attendees for Lobby Day.

During the webinar, ALTA’s government affairs team will discuss each of our Lobby Day issues, providing details on how they impact your business and allowing plenty of time for questions and answers. Click here to register for the issue briefing webinar.

While on Capitol Hill, Lobby Day participants will address three issues with members of Congress, including how to improve the way the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) works with small businesses, the importance of renewing tax relief for struggling homeowners who have lost their home to foreclosure or are considering a short sale and GSE reform. Specifically to GSE reform, we will discuss the importance of title insurance and how the product protects consumers, lenders and investors.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].