E-recording in Ramsey County, Minn., Now Available Through Simplifile

May 15, 2014

Recording customers in Ramsey County, Minn., can now electronically submit documents through Simplifile.

“We’re thrilled to be e-recording in Ramsey County and to help streamline the overall recording process for both the county and their submitters,” said Paul Clifford, president of Simplifile. “What used to take several days or even weeks can now happen in minutes with the availability of e-recording. It’s the most convenient, cost-effective way to record documents today.”

With Simplifile’s service, Ramsey County recording customers such as title companies, banks, attorneys and others can securely submit documents to the county for recording online, instead of having to send documents by mail or drive to the county to record in person.

Additionally, if a document is rejected for any reason, instead of having to send it back to the submitter by mail, the county can also send the document back through Simplifile with the rejection reason, and the customer can quickly correct and resubmit the document in minutes.

Other benefits of e-recording include increased document security, fewer payment errors, and less overall paper waste.

Ramsey County is the 64th Minnesota county to offer Simplifile’s e-recording service, making Simplifile the only current e-recording vendor available in all of Minnesota’s e-recording counties.

The fourth pillar of ALTA’s ”Title Insurance and Settlement Company Best Practices” addresses recording procedures to ensure compliance with the settlement process. Implementing a tracking mechanism is helpful in providing a record of what documents were sent, when they were sent and method of delivery. The use of e-recording can aid in the implementation and documentation of procedures.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].