MISMO Announces Schedule for Future Standards Updates

August 19, 2014

The MISMO Residential Standards Governance Committee announced its schedule for the next two releases of the MISMO Residential Data Standard.

Updates to the standard, which supports data exchange transactions and corporate data models across the residential mortgage lifecycle, are expected to be released for public comment in November 2014 and July 2015, respectively.

“MISMO recognizes that industry participants are increasingly dependent upon MISMO to execute on their business plans, including compliance with new regulations,” said Randy Gilster, senior vice president with Wells Fargo Home Mortgage and chairman of the committee. “As a result, MISMO has taken action to assess industry needs and develop a schedule of updates that allows for predictable and proactive planning in order to meet milestone events. With the release of this schedule, lenders, servicers, investors, service providers and government entities will be able to better sequence their activities around the MISMO timeline.”

The November release, referred to as Version 3.3.1, will be backwardly compatible, meaning that technical processes that work for Version 3.3 will continue to work if applied to Version 3.3.1. To assist with planning, MISMO is providing the following list of key dates for this release:

  • All requests for updates to the model must be submitted to the MISMO Core Data Structures (CDS) Workgroup by September 3.
  • A draft version of the Version 3.3.1 model is expected to be available for review at the MISMO Fall Summit scheduled for the week of September 22-26.
  • The MISMO Architecture Workgroup will review the recommended changes at the MISMO Fall Summit. At that time, the Workgroup is expected to vote to elevate the model to Public Comment Status.
  • Requests for updates to the Reference Model received after the September 3 deadline will be considered for inclusion in subsequent versions.
The July 2015 release will be either a non-backwardly compatible release, referred to as Version 3.4, or a backwardly compatible release, referred to as Version 3.3.2. This decision on backward compatibility will be made at a later date and will be based on the type of changes included in the release. To assist with planning, MISMO is providing the following key dates for this release:
  • All requests for updates to the model must be submitted to the MISMO CDS Workgroup by April 1, 2015.
  • A draft version of the Version 3.4 or 3.3.2 model is expected to be available for review on May 1, 2015.
  • The MISMO Architecture Workgroup will review the recommended changes. At that time, the Workgroup is expected to vote to elevate the model to Public Comment Status.
  • Requests for updates to the Reference Model received after the April 1, 2015, deadline will be considered for inclusion in subsequent versions.
The mortgage industry is facing an extraordinary number of new regulations and reporting requirements. This release schedule positions MISMO to respond quickly to industry needs while providing a clear timeline for industry to follow. Upon elevation of the model to the public comment status, details of the updates associated with each version will be provided in the form of Release Notes.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].