Defend Yourselves –We Are Under Attack

September 4, 2014

In a whitepaper titled “Defend Yourselves –We Are Under Attack,” Secure Cloud Systems says more needs to be done to protect sensitive data from the increasing threat of cyber attacks.

“Cyber- warfare has taken root within the past decade and new ways to secure privileged and critical infrastructure, data and communications are now a necessity for the protection of our livelihood and our freedom,” Secure Cloud Systems wrote in its whitepaper.

The company said that since the days of the castle and moat, the approach toward security has followed a two-dimensional defense architecture that relies on a limited number of controlled, easily discernible access points. Little has changed over the years, according to the whitepaper, despite the advent of the computer age.

“Firewalls take the place of mortar and brick walls while restricted use websites take the place of drawbridges,” the whitepaper says. “As technologies advanced and the cyber threats adapted, we continued to follow the castle and moat architecture by creating inner walls within outer walls through the use of more sophisticated web designs and virtual private networks.”

The whitepaper suggests that dynamic data-centric security solutions that protect data at rest and in motion—even when a security breach occurs—are needed in order to protect the country’s future.

“Sensitive information must be protected from both internal and external threats and exploitation from both the foreign as well as domestic fronts,” according to Secure Cloud Systems. “An innovative solution needs to enable rather than inhibit information sharing, even when traditional information technology defenses are breached.”

The company said that firewalls and bulk encryption are no longer enough to thwart hackers.

“This new paradigm must ensure that only the right people get access to the right information at the right time. Architectures such as those offered through Secure Cloud Systems MicroTokenization and MicroEncryption capabilities do just that. They provide those assurances that data at rest and data in motion remain black and unavailable to exploitation even in the event of traditional network defense breach,” the company writes in the whitepaper.

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