Adeptive Integrates Data Search Program into ResWare Platform

October 28, 2014

Adeptive announced that New World Property Data’s Search platform is now integrated with Adeptive’s ResWare product.

The integration allows users of ResWare to electronically submit orders to New World Property Data’s proprietary platform. This platform offers an automated search package including title plant data and images, and an automated extraction service. New World Property Data (NWPD) offers its customers an an array of title search products from ownership and encumbrance reports to foreclosure searches, as well as custom spreadsheet and property data append services. NWPD covers all counties in the United States via electronic plants and a ground search network.

“Our customers now have access to a national title search platform, empowering them to further streamline order processing and title production,” said Bryan Buus, president of Adeptive.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].