Title Alliance Names Implementation Specialist

January 6, 2015

Title Alliance, which has created RESPA compliant title joint ventures since 1983, announced that Jadah Hill will take on the role of implementation specialist, a compliance-based role that works with all of the Title Alliance offices companywide. The new role within the company will allow Title Alliance continued growth throughout 2015.

“One of my favorite parts of my job is working with the other employees of Title Alliance,” Hill said. “As the implementation specialist, I have the benefit of working closely with all of our new offices and assisting them in their transition to our company practices and procedures.”

Hill will be responsible for working with all of the offices of Title Alliance to ensure that they are knowledgeable of new and existing title and RESPA requirements: both nationally and state-specific. When laws change or new staff members are brought on, Hill will assist with policy and procedure trainings. She will also work closely with the management team at Title Alliance to keep them informed of the operations and their performance.

Hill’s role of implementation specialist will be in addition to her current role as regional director. She will continue to oversee settlement staff, assure that her assigned operations are functioning and remaining compliant as well as mentoring staff development and growth.

Prior to her current role as regional director, Hill was the manager of T.A. Town and Country Land Transfer, where she joined Title Alliance in 2012. According to Nancy D. Warner, director of Title Alliance, this was one of the many reasons that Hill was selected to take on the additional responsibility within the company.

“Jadah is a go-getter,” Warner said. “She has shown firm commitment to the Title Alliance vision throughout her time with us and she will help keep all of us abreast of the title and RESPA requirements so that appropriate training can go out to our teams.”

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