First Electronic Deed Recorded in Cook County, Ill.

August 11, 2015

Chicago Title Insurance Co. recently recorded the first electronic deed in Cook County, Ill, using Simplifile's web-based service.

"The implementation of electronic deed recording in Cook County will provide tremendous efficiencies and timeline improvements for the entire real estate industry," said Katherine Smith, assistant vice president and manager for Chicago Title.

Cook County, the nation's second largest county with an estimated 5.2 million residents, opened its doors to e-recording with Simplifile in 2012. Now, with the first deed successfully e-recorded, the county has commenced its piloting phase and will begin accepting deeds from all submitters in the near future.

"Many, many title offices have been waiting for this news and to have the ability to e-record deeds in Cook County," said Simplifile Regional Sales Director Mark Moats. "We are proud to have been part of this landmark achievement and help the county and its customers take this next step toward accepting electronic deeds. It's faster, more convenient, and cost-effective for everyone involved in the recording process."

There are currently 21 Illinois counties e-recording with Simplifile, in addition to more than 1,260 counties e-recording with Simplifile nationwide.

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].