First American Launches Online Homeownership Resource for Consumers

September 24, 2015

First American Title Insurance Co. announced the launch of its Ownership Information Center, a new online information resource designed to help homebuyers and sellers understand the settlement process and the importance of title insurance. The website offers helpful videos, simple-to-understand infographics and other engaging educational tools under topical sections, that include “Buying a Home,” “What is Escrow” and “What is Title Insurance.”

The First American Ownership Information Center also features new videos explaining the Loan Estimate and Closing Disclosure, the new TILA-RESPA Integrated Disclosure (TRID) forms that will be used in most consumer mortgage transactions beginning with loan applications received on and after Oct. 3.

“The landscape of residential real estate transactions is shifting due to demographic, technology and regulatory trends, and it can be challenging to navigate for homebuyers, especially first-time homebuyers,” said Chris Leavell, chief operating officer for First American Title. “This new resource addresses some of the information gaps in the market and aligns with the goals of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau – to make residential real estate transactions and lending easier to understand for homebuyers.”

A key focus during the development of the First American Ownership Information Center was to create educational videos and infographics that are easy to understand, easy to share, and can be viewed or read quickly from a desktop, tablet or mobile device.

“It’s important that all homebuyers and sellers find the videos and information on the First American Ownership Information Center helpful, but we made a distinct effort to package the information in a way that speaks to first-time homebuyers,” said Sandra Bell, First American’s vice president of corporate marketing and communications. “Millennials and other first-time homebuyers may not be familiar with the concept of title insurance or understand the protection it provides. Through engaging videos, like ‘Rockstar Protection,’ we’re explaining title insurance and its value simply, with the aim to enable homebuyers to make informed decisions about their coverage.”

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