Res/Title Integrates with Calyx

October 29, 2015

Res/Title announced that its integration with Calyx Point’s loan origination system (LOS) effective Nov.  2. 

The integration will allow Calyx Point users to access and utilize Res/Title’s resources without leaving their LOS. Through the WebConnect integration, a Calyx user can run a quote on Res/Title’s Loan Estimate calculator without re-keying any information. The fees are then pushed back into the Calyx software system. In addition to that, the user can order title directly through Res/Title’s secure portal. The Res/Portal automatically uploads the fee quote in a secure environment and can support additional attachments as needed.

“This level of compliance and collaboration is pertinent to where our industry is going,” said Jim Paolino, Res/Title CEO. “It is our goal that integrations with partners like Calyx will reiterate our commitment to offering a higher level of value added services to our clients.”

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