Title Alliance Names Director of Sales and Marketing

June 30, 2016

Title Alliance Ltd, a RESPA-compliant ESOP leader in joint ventured title insurance agencies, announced that it has appointed Lindsay Smith as director of sales and marketing for the company, its subsidiaries and affiliates.

Smith’s career in the title insurance Industry has roots dating back to 1999 when she worked for a then direct agency of T.A. Title Insurance Company. In 2005 she joined the Title Alliance Family and has held roles such as project manager and assistant marketing director before her most recent role as marketing director.

Smith had been the company’s marketing director since January 2011. Since then she has implemented and coordinated various marketing platforms for the company including a partnership with NextDeal; created a social media presence; creating T.A. Connections (an internal portal for the company and their partners); working as the public relations liaison for the company and conducting focus group sessions. Smith has also been responsible for all companywide sponsorships, tradeshows, events and marketing campaigns.

Smith will now be responsible for the entire sales department of Title Alliance, which is comprised of its affiliated business specialists. She will spearhead plans for expansion and growth by reviewing new growth opportunities, preparing pro formas, unifying the team, and working with partners and prospects. Smith will also be responsible for all of the sales and relationship managers within each of their affiliates, assuring that they are growing their businesses according to their business plans. In addition, she will continue to oversee the marketing department, which handles marketing for Title Alliance and its joint ventures.

“Without question, Lindsay has proven her leadership and commitment to the organization,” said Jim Campbell, CEO of Title Alliance. “Lindsay has skills that cannot be taught. She is extremely intelligent, knows how to read people and delivers passion to get her job done on the highest level possible. Lindsay has become an integral part of the organization and is able to keep balance between a very demanding work and family life.”

“Our company is in growth mode,” Smith added. “I am looking forward to strategically placing Title Alliance in situations where we can make a significant impact in the marketplace.” Smith continues, “It is crucial to our success that we focus on providing exceptional customer experiences for our end clients—whether they be partners, agents or our home buyers/sellers.”

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].