How to Use ALTA's Homebuyer Guide

July 14, 2016

As part of the Homebuyer Outreach Program, ALTA created the Homebuyer Guide to help members easily explain the benefit of owner’s title insurance. Read on for a summary of the many resources available to help you communicate with homebuyers, real estate agents, lenders and others about title insurance.


Easy-to-use and professionally designed templates for homebuyer communications and presentations:

  • Letterhead Template
  • PowerPoint Presentation Template
  • Document Cover Page Template
  • Social Media Graphic Templates

Homebuyer Letter

Use this customizable letter to build relationships and foster deeper confidence with homebuyers.

  • Timing: Title professionals can send this letter to homebuyers after they’ve received the title order to let the consumer know the company’s role in the process. 

PowerPoint Presentations

Use these customizable PowerPoint presentations in the marketing and sales process with homebuyers.

  • The Homebuyer Checklist: 10 Steps to Buy Your Home with Confidence
    • Objective: This presentation and accompanying script help homebuyers better understand the home buying process.
    • When to Use: Real estate agents can use this rack card in conjunction with “The Homebuyer Checklist: 10 Steps to Buy Your Home with Confidence” PowerPoint presentation.
  • Why Every Homebuyer Needs Owner’s Title Insurance
    • Objective: This presentation and accompanying script is for closing agents to educate homebuyers on the importance of owner’s title insurance when purchasing a home.
    • When to Use: Closing agents can present this information live upon first meeting with homebuyers or include it in their introductory letters to homebuyers.

Rack Cards (Brochures)

Provide these marketing pieces to consumers and real estate partners:

  • The FAQs of Title Insurance for Homebuyers
    • When to Use: This rack card can be displayed in the closing office or real estate office, or be hand delivered when meeting with homebuyers.
  • 10 Steps to Buy Your Home with Confidence
    • When to Use: Real estate agents can use “The Homebuyer Checklist: 10 Steps to Buy Your Home with Confidence” PowerPoint in conjunction with this rack card. It can also be displayed in the real estate office.
  • You Sweat the Small Stuff
    • When to Use: Pin this to the company fridge, share it with a fellow title professional or use it as a guide for remembering the top three things you give homebuyers.

Marketing One-pagers

These can be given to consumers and business partners:

  • 7 Reasons Every Homebuyer Needs Owner’s Title Insurance
    • When to Use: Closing agents can use this with the “Why Every Homebuyer Needs Owner’s Title Insurance” PowerPoint. It can also be displayed at the closing office.
  • A Guide for Homebuyers
    • When to Use: This one-pager can be displayed at the closing or real estate office, or used in a homebuyer meeting at any point in the process. The earlier in the purchasing process, the better.
  • FAQs of Title Insurance for Homebuyers
    • When to Use: This one-pager can be displayed in the closing office or real estate office, and be provided as a value-added resource when meeting with homebuyers in person.
  • Tips for Talking Title with Homebuyers
    • When to Use: This one-pager can be shared at team trainings or one-on-one meetings.
  • What Every Realtor Should Know About Owner’s Title Insurance
    • When to Use: Title professionals should share this with their real estate agent partners, or real estate agents can share it with their colleagues to better equip them to talk about owner’s title insurance with homebuyer clients.

Blog Posts

Share these helpful online articles with homebuyers and business partners via email or on social media:

  • 7 Reasons Every Homebuyer Needs Owner’s Title Insurance
  • Closing Time: 6 Steps Every Homebuyer Should Expect
  • FAQs of Title Insurance for Homebuyers
  • How Title Insurance Protects All Homebuyers
  • What Every Realtor Should Know About Owner’s Title Insurance
  • Why 20% of Homebuyers Won’t Sleep

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].