ALTA Unveils New Website With Responsive Design

November 1, 2016

On the heels of taking its live events to new levels with ALTA ONE, Springboard and the Advocacy Summit, ALTA also launched a completely redesigned website on Oct. 28.

Through interviews, surveys and audits of the old website analytical data, ALTA developed strategic objectives for the redesign and incorporated the pride of being an ALTA member and working in this great industry.

“ALTA serves as the beacon of the title industry,” said Michelle Korsmo, ALTA’s chief executive officer. “Not only must its website serve the needs of existing members, it should also raise awareness and educate prospective members about the value of ALTA.”

Advance the ALTA Brand
To be that guiding light, the website reinforces the reasons why ALTA exists, which is to serve members through:

  • Advocacy
  • Communication and education
  • Networking
  • Industry standards

The homepage emphasizes the messaging used in ALTA’s Manifesto, which is one of the many products available in the Homebuyer Outreach Program. The Manifesto uses phrases such as “Protectors of Property Rights” and “We Provide Peace of Mind” to highlight the services we provide to homebuyers.

Create a Smarter, Member-focused Experience
People are busy and will often decide to do nothing over choosing from too many options. ALTA’s old website had more than 120 possible options to click on the top half of the homepage alone. So, ALTA improved the information structure so members have quicker access to what they need.

“The homepage can make or break a user’s perception of ALTA and inform their decision on whether to become a member, make purchases online, or stay and read a news article,” Korsmo said.

For starters, this simply meant improving the organization, prioritizing the content and creating a fresh user experience to help more members find information that matter most. to them.

To achieve this, ALTA’s strategic priorities are prominently displayed on the homepage and we’ve highlighted calls to action such as registering for a meeting, renewing membership or responding to Title Action Network alerts.

Responsive Design
Lastly, the website is now responsive, which means it provides an optimal viewing experience across a wide range of devices from desktop computer monitors to smart phones and tablets. The responsive design ensures that the website’s navigation elements, screen-layouts, text, images, audio/video players and other components re-adjust themselves on a variety of devices.

"As smartphone and tablet adoption rapidly increases, so does the importance of a mobile-friendly website,” Korsmo said. “We strive to provide members a great experience, whether it’s at one of our meetings or trying to find information or making a purchase on our website. We’ve built a website that accommodates our busy members, providing easier access to all of our resources from your favorite device.”

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].