Alert: Spoofed Email Appears to Come from ALTA CEO

August 8, 2017

ALTA is alerting its members to delete a phishing email that appears to come from CEO Michelle Korsmo with the subject line “Case S.I 691/2017: Your Firm's Attention is Required” asking for prompt attention.

The email, which appears to come from [email protected], says:

In line with an urgent mandate following ALTA policies, we hereby call to your notice - a recently filing (S.I. No691/2017) requiring your firm's prompt attention.

The details of this case are contained in the attached file.

You are required to complete the form no later than August  9, 2017.

Please note that this case is confidential. Hence, we have uploaded it on a secured Document sharing site.

Proceed to retrieve it by:

  1. Opening the attachment.
  2. Click on the attachment to visit the document sharing site.
  3. Sign in with your Email login details.

You can be sure that your information is safe. This is a phishing email and our system was not breached.

Thank you,

The ALTA Staff

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].