Swim With the Title Sharks at ALTA ONE

August 16, 2017

Don't Miss "Pitches" on AI, Secure Payments and Big Data

On ABC's multi-Emmy Award-winning reality show Shark Tank, budding entrepreneurs get the chance to bring their dreams to fruition as they present ideas to the sharks--industry titans  who made their own dreams a reality and turned their ideas into lucrative empires.

At ALTA ONE, three Title Sharks (ALTA Board members Cynthia Blair, Jack Rattikin III and John Hollenbeck) will judge emerging title industry technology pitches and grill "aspiring entrepreneurs" about the real potential for these tech trends that ultimately hope to change the way you do business. Attendees will get in on the action by voting and helping determine who is in or out.

The Title Sharks will hear pitches on these three areas:

  1. Artificial intelligence
    1. Machines reading title documents
    2. Automated title underwriting
    3. Responding to consumer questions (chatbots)
  2. Faster/More Secure Payments
    1. Moving down payments and closing funds by ACH
    2. Net payments
    3. Reduce the risk of wire fraud
    4. Cheaper for consumers
  3. Big Data
    1. Get ahead of potential customer leads
    2. Better use title data to market

You can check out the entire schedule here.

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Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].