Last Chance to Register for Webinar: E-close Trends and Technology

October 18, 2017

How many times have you heard that in a few years all your closings will be "e" and with an online notary? What if we told you that soon after that, eClosing will be ancient history and consumers will be on to the next thing? The mortgage industry is racing to provide consumers with an electronic closing process that helps eliminate big stacks of paper and streamlines the review and closing process. But, how will this impact settlement agents and the way they operate?

Register for this webinar to learn the industry and consumer trends that will drive demand for new technology in the closing space today, and in the future as technology evolves. You’ll learn the essentials before implementing new technology into your closing process, and how to view emerging technologies in the real estate and mortgage space. 

The webinar will address:

  • Industry trends along with benefits and challenges of eClosings
  • How to transition into hybrid and eNote closings
  • Implementation of full digital closings and eNotarization
  • Processing times and cost comparison for various closing methods 


  • Eddie Oddo | Vice President, Corporate Business Solutions | First American Title Insurance Co.
  • John Ralston | Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives | Black Knight Inc.


  • 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST, Monday, Oct. 30, 2017 


Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].