TitleTap Launches New Customer Loyalty Program

October 24, 2017

TitleTap, a provider of real estate law and title insurance website marketing tools, launched a new customer loyalty program called “Website For Life” that gives long-time customers a website redesign free of setup fees. 

“We live in an era where technology changes incredibly fast,” said TitleTap Co-Founder and CEO, Dean Collura. “Equally, the way consumers digest information and how they want to be communicated with constantly changes. Our goal with this loyalty program is to help our customers maintain a website presence that is fresh and current with the latest trends without the worries of starting from scratch or spending a ton of money on a re-design.”

TitleTap customers will have the opportunity to upgrade their TitleTap website once every three years with the latest design templates TitleTap has available with no extra setup fees and a streamlined migration process.  

Contact ALTA at 202-296-3671 or [email protected].