RynohLive Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

December 5, 2017

RynohLive, a provider of financial management and fraud prevention systems, recently celebrated its 10-year anniversary. To celebrate, the company hosted a party to toast to the past, present and future of RynohLive.

Founded in 2007 by CEO, Richard M. Reass, RynohLive has grown a client base of over 2,000 settlement agents and attorneys. The company reported it has protected over $1.75 trillion dollars in escrowed funds and more than 6.5 million real estate closings,

“Looking back, it has been an incredible journey,” said Reass, “I am so grateful for all the loyal clients and staff that have made it all possible.”

During the celebration, RynohLive revealed its latest release, RynohOpX, financial protection and fraud prevention software for operating accounts that seamlessly integrates with accounting software programs like QuickBooks.

“We are blessed to have Dick Reass as a founder and the ‘driving force’ behind our great company,” said Robert Pleasants, RynohLive’s executive vice president of sales and marketing. “Without Richard’s relentless determination, none of this would have been possible.”

Formal remarks and well wishes were presented by executive members of the company including a presentation by Senior Vice President Matthew Reass, who read a letter sent to Dick Reass from Frank Abagnale, the notorious fraudster portrayed by Leonardo DiCaprio in the movie Catch Me If You Can and Reass’ inspiration for developing RynohLive.

“I want to send my personal congratulations and deep respect for your achievements and your courage in the development of RynohLive,” Abagnale wrote. “RynohLive provides amazing services to clients with such products as automated positive pay, reconciliation and tools companies need to protect themselves from potential fraud.”

Sandy Bodenhamer from U.S. Senator Mark Warner’s office was also in attendance to present a congratulatory letter stating, “By working to improve the management practices and security of other businesses through your modules, RynohLive supports the economic success of our communities.”

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