Simplifile Plants 2,275 Trees to Honor Arbor Day, Earth Month

May 31, 2018

Simplifile once again partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation to celebrate Arbor Day 2018 and April’s Earth Month. This year, Simplifile planted 2,275 trees in the Mississippi River Valley, a location the Arbor Day Foundation has identified as the “area of greatest need,” and donated $1 per tree planted to the Arbor Day Foundation. This was the third year Simplifile has partnered with the Arbor Day Foundation, planting a total of 5,575 trees in the nation’s forests since 2014.

“Giving back is an intrinsic part of Simplifile’s core values, which is why we founded Simplifile Cares in 2015,” said Simplifile President Paul Clifford. “Being able to bring our employees together to support the Arbor Day Foundation and other worthy causes makes our other corporate efforts that much more worthwhile, and we’re honored to once again contribute to the restoration of America’s forests and landscapes.”

In addition to Simplifile, more than 300 corporations and communities joined the Arbor Day Foundation to commemorate this year’s Arbor Day and Earth Month. April 27 marked the 146th observance of Arbor Day and capped off April’s month-long Earth Month celebration of environmental education and conservation.

“We are thankful for Simplifile’s partnership and their tree planting efforts,” said Dan Lambe, president of the Arbor Day Foundation. “Because of their commitment forests and the lives they impact have been changed for the better.”

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